Saturday, March 22, 2025

New Yorker illustrates life learnings in photography book

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 29, 2008


25 Lessons book cover

Photos: Lorenzo Dominguez

Lorenzo Dominguez, a photographer, recently published 25 Lessons (Blurb Publishing, $39.95), a 130-page book about his life illustrated with 500 photos, almost all in color. In this first book he traced his journey from a stifled suburban husband and father, through the breakdown of his marriage and his refuge in a little church in Manhattan.

For three months he swapped caretaker duties for accommodations, living simply and by himself at the church. The stay provided him an opportunity to examine his life. He took advantage of his time by photographing New York City at night. This brought to his mind some of life’s lessons which he shared in the book.


Lorenzo Dominguez, author, 25 Lessons

“I wholeheartedly attribute much of the verve, the passion and the extraordinary appreciation I have for life to my Latin heritage. With 25 Lessons, I’ve attempted to convey much of this both through my words and photography,” said Dominguez. “I can sum up my philosophy about my art, my work and how I live my life in general with a traditional Spanish toast I like to propose whenever I am out, enjoying the company of my friends, ‘Al amor, dinero, salud, y el tiempo para gozarlos todos.'”

In the book, Dominguez shares his secret to the art of living and the simple rules of photography. He meant for the book to be inspirational and poetic; and to spark readers’ creativity, and reawaken their passion for life.

Dominguez grew up in California until he was 24, coming into contact with many Mexican Americans. In 1992, he moved to New York City to attend graduate school. There he encountered a different kind of Latin culture through new friends and neighbors of Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian and Cuban background.

He is a director of marketing and communications at a Fortune 500 company in New York City. He is a resident of Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

Dominguez is a graduate of the World Arts and Culture program at the University of California at Los Angeles, and a graduate of the School of International and Public Affairs program at Columbia University. His photography has been featured in fotoMagazin, a German photo magazine, and in 275 blogs, websites, and print publications.

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