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Association for multiethnicity in communications recognizes latest multicultural efforts

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2008


Daphne Leroy, vice president, Marketing and Communications, NAMIC

Photo: NAMIC

The National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC) has selected the winners of this year’s Excellence In Multi-Cultural Marketing Awards (EMMA). Forty-seven awards will be presented September 15, 2008 at a special session of the 22nd Annual NAMIC Conference, Diversity: Pipeline to Innovation in New York City.

The selection was made, from an undisclosed number of submissions, by 29 judges including representatives from MIO.TV, Telemundo, TV One, Latin2Latin, TBS, TCM & TNT, OlumpuSat, The Gilmore Group, OlumpuSat, Ibis Communications and TuTv.

First established as the NAMIC Excellence Awards in 1992 to recognize marketing and public affairs initiatives targeting multi-ethnic consumers, the competition was renamed Excellence in Multicultural Marketing Awards and expanded to include case studies in 2004.

“The buying power of ethnic consumers has greater impact year over year,” said Daphne Leroy, vice president, Marketing and Communications, NAMIC. “We are proud to raise awareness of the outstanding efforts put forth by the NAMIC EMMA winners to reach multi-ethnic communities, which are critical to the viability of our industry.”

There are two award categories: case studies/campaigns and marketing tactics. Entries in each category are judged within two divisions: companies/distributors and networks/industry suppliers. This year’s awards were sponsored by ESPN Deportes and presented in conjunction with CableFAX Daily, the competition’s exclusive media partner.

Cox Communications and Rogers Cable Communications each received three first-place wins to lead first-place honorees in the cable companies/distributors division. Comcast earned two first-place honors while Time Warner Cable finished first-place in a single category.

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TBS led all networks/industry suppliers with five first-place awards. TV One earned multiple honors, including two first-place wins. Networks earning a single first-place win include: International Networks and Si TV. Discovery Networks U.S. Hispanic Group took first place honors in the newly added “Diversity Awareness” category. Additional winners within the networks/industry suppliers group include: Ameredia, Inc., BET, Home Box Office, Inc., MTV, mun2, Showtime Networks Inc, iSorpresa!, TuTv, Univision Communications Inc., and VH1.

The competition is the work of NAMIC’s Multi-Cultural Marketing Committee, a consortium of industry multi-cultural marketing representatives. To be eligible, campaigns must be developed for the cable and telecommunications industry with the goal of targeting one or more cultural segments in the the African American, Asian and Hispanic markets.

Entries were evaluated on sound and innovative strategy, strength of creative execution against the strategy and evaluation of results. The competition deviates from the traditional “best of” competition method; instead each entry was judged against a standard of excellence and not against other entrants.

National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC ) is an organization dedicated to multi-ethnic diversity in the communications industry. Founded in 1980 as a non-profit trade association, NAMIC has 2,000 professionals in 17 chapters nationwide.

The organization has initiatives that focus on education, advocacy and empowerment, to champion equity and inclusion in the workforce, with special attention to ensuring that the leadership cadres of our nation’s communications industry giants reflect the multi-ethnic richness of the populations they serve.

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