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Latino youth report: Latino self perception high, Latina sense of empowerment increasing

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 4, 2008


2008 Latino Lifestyle Study cover

Photo: The Intelligence Group

Many researchers believe the U.S. Latino population will triple in size and account for most of the nation’s growth from 2005 through 2050. Much of that increase is attributed to young Latinos who are struggling with their self identity, aspirations, hopes and dreams. How can marketers understand Latino youth when these young people are still searching for their role in American society? Will future Latinos be integrated into the mainstream as many generations of immigrants have done before them or will they cling to their cultural heritage as their parents have in the past decades? No one knows for sure.

In an effort to reach marketers targeting this fast growing ethnic group, The Intelligence Group recently released the third annual edition of its subscription based study of Latino youth. The 2008 Latino Lifestyle Study was designed as a forecasting tool for marketers looking to understand the 14 to 34 year old Latino consumer.

The Latino Intelligence Report is 150 pages in length and is available in a hard copy as well as CD. To help their researchers find the pulse of the booming market segment, The Intelligence Group tapped Christy Haubegger. The report is divided into six distinct sections: Themes & Trends, Language & Identify, Attitudes & Behavior, Entertainment, Tech & Web, and Marketing & Retail. The cost for the report is $25,000 per subscription which includes a copy of the report and one customized presentation of the report findings.

Target Latinos effectively by anticipating changes in the market with

“Hispanic Projections with 2007-08 update” audio recording

Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Presenter Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Find out

  • About Latino buying power growth in the future
  • How Latino market growth compares with other markets in the U.S.
  • What drives the rise of Latino economic clout
  • Who should target the Latino market
  • What is the size of the Hispanic affluent market
  • If the luxury Latino market is growing

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“Unlike their ancestors, young Latinos embrace technology, are predominantly bi-lingual, and are the leaders of both their families and their larger communities,” said Jane Buckingham, president of The Intelligence Group. “It is more important than ever for marketers to find ways to communicate with this growing demographic.”

The study is based on a telephone survey of 1,000 Latino youth in eight Hispanic markets, 1,028 online interviews conducted among 14 to 24 year old Hispanics. Telephone interview participants were recruited for age and gender balance, and interviews were conducted in the language of the participant’s choice by bilingual interviewers.

The researchers conducted online interviews nationwide, with quotas established by market and region to reflect the national Latino population. Online interviews were conducted, with respondents who self-identified as Hispanics, between November 30 and December 20, 2007.

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Researchers also conducted focus groups and individual, in-person interviews with Latinos between 14 and 24 years of age in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Houston. They segmented the focus groups by age, gender and language. The Latino Intelligence Report includes attitudinal and behavioral comparisons to general market findings from The Cassandra Report, the company’s general market study that tracks attitudes and trends among young people. The Cassandra Report sample was generated from an online sample of 600 respondents ages 14 to 24.


Christy Haubegger, founder, Latina magazine

“Today’s young Latinos have one foot in each culture and feel very influential in both,” said Haubegger, who founded Latina magazine and Creative Artists Agency. “Marketers will have success if they embrace these notions and create campaigns geared toward culture, not language.”

According to promotional materials, the annual Latino youth study is made up of online surveys, focus groups, and in-person interviews. This year’s report identifies 10 themes the researchers believe will be useful to marketers: Bi-Dentity, The 40 Percent Perception, The American (Latino) Dream, Experience Economy, Flipping The Script, Social Connectors, Latinas Rising, Key Influencers, Mix Mash, Cautious Optimism; and identifies their favorite marketers in the segment. The report also provides an overview of the attitudes, behaviors and preferences the researchers identified among the young Latinos who participated in the study.

Some of the report findings shared by the publishers (the full report was not made available to Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations) include: The 40 Percent Perception, the belief by those surveyed that Latinos represent 40 percent of the United States overall market; Latinas Rising, the sense of empowerment young Latinas expressed in the study; Cautious Optimism, the researchers’ impression that the youth surveyed were optimistic and socially oriented; and Social Networking, the study subjects strong online presence which was identical to non Hispanics in the same age group.

The Intelligence Group is a market research, trend forecasting, and marketing consulting group focusing on Gen X, Gen Y, moms, teens, and tweens. The company, a division of Creative Artists Agency, also publishes the Cassandra Report, a lifestyle study of 14-34-year-old mainstream consumers and trend setters. Creative Artists Agency is a talent and sports agency that represents individuals working in film, television, music, theater, sports and video games, and provides marketing services to corporate clients.

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

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Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising