Saturday, March 22, 2025

Univision, CNET partner on new Spanish language online content

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 26, 2008


New technology pages in Spanish – click on image to enlarge 

Photos: CNET, Univision

Last week, CNET and Univision Online, Inc. announced the launch of a new Spanish language technology section within the Univision website. The new portal pages provide users product reviews, breaking news about technology, and original videos for Spanish speakers wanting to navigate the web and learn about the digital world.

The product reviews are available in five categories: cell phones, MP3 players, televisions, computers, and digital cameras. Spanish language videos include First Look, expert reviews on the latest gadgets, and Product Spotlight, an in-depth look at the most popular products. In addition, two of CNET’s help and how-to shows, Insider Secrets and Quick Tips, will offer technology product advice.


Joe Gillespie, executive vice president, CNET

“CNET is widely recognized as one of the most relied upon resource for trusted and unbiased product reviews and tech news, and we’re very excited to bring our content to the Hispanic community,” said Joe Gillespie, executive vice president, CNET. “With this partnership, we continue to expand our footprint and U.S. Hispanics now have access to even more vital information for the digital world.”

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Javier Saralegui, president, Univision Online

“As one of the most highly-trusted online resources for U.S. Hispanics, continues to partner with leaders such as CNET to ensure that its audience receives the latest and most comprehensive technology information on the Internet,” said Javier Saralegui, president, Univision Online. “The expansion of our technology section is yet another resource we offer to keep U.S. Hispanics abreast of the evolving landscape of technology.”

CNET, owned by CNET Networks, Inc., is an online portal with technology and consumer electronics information including news, lab-tested product reviews, safe and spyware-free downloads, and user-generated content. Founded in 1992, CNET Networks boasts a strong presence in the U.S., Asia, and Europe.

Univision Online, Inc. is the interactive division of Univision Communications Inc. Univision Communications Inc. is a United States Spanish-language media company. In addition to Univision Online, its operations include Univision Network, TeleFutura Network, Galavisión, Univision Television Group, Univision Radio, and Univision Music Group.

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