Saturday, March 22, 2025

5 Tips To Manage Your Entrepreneurial Energy For Wow Results

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 13, 2008


Heather Dominick, EnergyRich entrepreneur success coach, EnergyRich Coaching, Inc.

Photo: EnergyRich Coaching, Inc.

So many entrepreneurs try to do it all and get frustrated by all the time it takes. Here are 5 solid-gold steps to keep your energy high, your tasks moving quickly and your bank account full.

1. Prep Your Energy

Have time set aside every day (even 5 minutes) to really connect to that part of yourself which is about the passionate reason why you went into business in the first place. It’s this place that gives you access to the ideas, solutions, and “how to’s” that cannot be conceived of, created, or tapped into when you are so busy “doing” and “going 24-7.” And it’s those ideas that are the true golden nuggets of your business. You need them; so make space for them!

Click here to read the complete article 

Find out what multicultural kids across America think
Listen to Michele Valdovinos, SVP, Phoenix Multicultural in

“Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording


Michele Valdovinos gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about multicultural children based on a Phoenix Multicultural and Nickelodeon study of 1,300 multicultural children in 16 United States markets.

Find out about

• The Phoenix Multicultural Kids Study
• Relationship between children and their context
• Issues relating to family, technology and media, diversity, buying power, relationships in household, self perception, values, acculturation, cultural heritage, frequency of media activity, income and spending, brand preferences, the American Dream
• How many billions of dollars buying power multicultural kids children have
• Children’s spending attitudes, habits by ethnicity
• How much money a year Hispanic kids have available to spend
• Types of products Hispanic kids buy
• Quantitative and qualitative research findings
• Practical applications of information in marketing programs
• Areas of the country where the Latino kids market is booming

Click here for information on “Marketing to Multicultural Kids”