Saturday, March 22, 2025

Do English speaking Hispanics welcome email promotions?

Posted by Elena del Valle on January 22, 2008


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Do young Hispanics like to receive promotional offers by email? Chicago-based Mintel staff believe that is true, at least when compared with other groups. According to a survey conducted in English by Mintel Comperemedia, Hispanics welcome email communication from companies they know up to 11 times a month. Non-Hispanic consumers only tolerate such emails up to 7.4 times a month.

Mintel’s findings are based on a statistically representative panel of the U.S. population. Mintel representatives surveyed 1,000 people online in August 2007 in English.

“The Hispanic population is very receptive to email as a means of marketing,” said Carmen Curran, senior email analyst at Mintel Comperemedia. “Hispanics tend to spend more time online than the general population, so receiving information and offers through email makes sense to them. Email fits well into their lives.”

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising

In a 2006 Online Banking report, Mintel found that Hispanics spent an average of 9.2 hours online at home each week, nearly 10 percent more than the 8.5 hours spent by the general population. Their findings indicate 84 percent used Internet banking services in 2006; only 78 percent of the online population as a whole liked online banking.

Mintel Comperemedia’s recent survey found that younger adults are more open to receiving email communication from companies they know. Adults under 34 who responded to the questions want everything from new offer notifications to account alerts to special promotions via email.

“In 2008, we expect to see more companies using email to market products and services to Hispanic consumers,” said Curran. “With their high Internet usage and stated preference for email communication, email marketing seems to be one of the best alleys into the Hispanic population.”

Mintel Comperemedia is a competitive media monitoring service that analyzes direct mail, email and print advertising trends. Mintel, founded in the United Kingdom 35 years ago, is a supplier of consumer, media and market research. The company, with offices in Chicago, London, Belfast, Sydney and Shanghai, has been studying the United States Hispanic market since 2003.

“Beyond the 30 Second Spot” audio recording

Listen to a 105-minute discussion

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Panelists Ivan Cevallos, Hunter Heller, Kitty Kolding and Cynthia Nelson

Our panel of national experts discuss

• Challenges of measuring the impact of the 30-second ad spot
• Innovative tools are useful to reach Latinos
• Changes in marketing to Hispanics
• On which market segment are the changes most relevant
• Effects of technology and time shift on consumer behavior
• Role of multi-screens
• Getting started
• Tips for marketing professionals

Click here to find out about Beyond the 30 Second Spot