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Todobebe launches social networking site for Spanish speaking expectant moms

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 28, 2007


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Photo: Todobebé 

Todobebé Inc, a leading multimedia company of dedicated to parenting, recently launched Mi Todobebé, a social networking site for Spanish speaking families planning, expecting, and raising children. On the new website, visitors can share pregnancy photos, videos of their baby’s first steps and questions about infertility, breastfeeding and raising their children.

The idea for the website initially came from members of the online forum community. They wanted an online space, in Spanish, where they could personalize their own pages, upload photos, and invite their friends and family to view and to share in the joy of their children’s first smiles, tooth, steps, days of school and other special moments.

“Todobebé has earned the trust of Spanish speaking families over almost a decade,” said Jeannette Kaplun, editor in chief, host and founder of Todobebé. “They know us from our book, our TV show, radio, events, and our website, and they share with us their pregnancy photos, the videos of their baby’s first steps and their questions about infertility, breastfeeding or raising their children.”

“Latino Family Dynamics” audio recording

Brenda Hurley Liria Barbosa

 Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa


  • Latino purchasing habits and products they favor
  • Latino family characteristics
  • Latinos and extended families
  • Division of duties, responsibilities within the family
  • Who is the decision maker in the Latino family
  • Who is the information provider in the Latino family

Click here to find out about Latino purchasing habits and “Latino Family Dynamics”

Mi Todobebé invites families to create personal profile pages where they can publish photos and videos of their pregnancy and children and create blogs on their personal pages where friends and loved ones can participate. They can also meet other members, and via invitation, make new friends living through similar experiences. According to promotional materials, Mi Todobebé allows members to control their level of privacy, approve who can view their profile page and decide whether to communicate with other members.

The free membership to Mi Todobebé also provides access to the rest of Todobebé’s online tools including expert tips, personalized pregnancy and child development newsletters, baby name finder, ovulation calendar, and forums.

“Mi Todobebé is just the beginning of a series of new online features, tools, events and incentives that the company is rolling out in 2008,” said Cynthia Nelson, chief operating officer of Todobebé, Inc. “Mi Todobebé and the expanding platform is an exciting and growing world and truly allows advertisers the chance to connect, engage, brand, promote, and learn about Spanish speaking families within a positive, engaging, fun and relevant context.”

In its ninth year of operations, Todobebé Inc. reaches United States Spanish speaking Latino parents with books, television programs, radio, events and online., the online platform of Todobebé Inc., seeks to inform and entertain with original content, exclusive videos, and advice from experts. 

“Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study” audio recording

Cynthia Nelson

Presenter Cynthia Nelson, COO, Todobebe

Find out about

• New Latina mom market
• Baby demographics including market size, profile
• New moms’ language preferences
• Latino baby market trends
• Factors influencing Hispanic baby market
• Location of new Hispanic moms’ market
• Issues affecting new Latino moms
• Todobebe strategies

Click for information on “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study”