Friday, March 21, 2025 offers complimentary copy of first “Emotional Branding” downloadable recording with completion of Visitor Survey

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 31, 2007

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Boca Raton, FL –, an online forum and podcast for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, released a new downloadable audio recording, “Emotional Branding” by Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones. The downloadable recording sells for $109.95 and features an interview with and presentation by Latino market experts Gronlund and Quiñones. For a limited time the recording is available on a complimentary basis for those who complete the Visitor Survey. Details on the recording are available online at

Gronlund, vice president and managing director, Latin Pulse USA, is a marketing professional with over 30 years of senior management experience in large multinationals and international consulting. Mario Quiñones, president and founder, Latin Pulse, is responsible for the operations of Latin Pulse since July 2000. The company has operations in Mexico, Central America, South America and the U.S Hispanic market.

“Emotional Branding” is the latest addition to the Resources Section launched in 2006. Other presentations by experts and leaders in the field are: “Hispanic Market Overview,” “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets,” “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training,” “Marketing to Hispanics Online,” “Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics,” “Latino Family Dynamics,” “Hispanic Projections,” “Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Media,” and “Hispanic Market Translation Issues.”

Experts include: Joel Bary, CEO and board member,; Liria  Barbosa, senior research analyst, C & R Research; Alex Carvallo, U.S. Hispanic media manager for Consumer Marketing, Intel Americas; Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications; Martha E. Galindo, president and CEO of Galindo Publicidad Inc.; David Henry, president and founder of TeleNoticias; Brenda Hurley, vice president, C & R Research; Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3; Roger Selbert, Ph.D., principal, The Growth Strategies Group; Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos; Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations; Michele Valdovinos, vice president of Research and Marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group.

Started as a companion website for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), provides a forum for readers and authors of the book, website subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic daily market news and updates and listen to expert downloadable presentations and weekly podcast interviews.  Visitors may sign up for daily email updates, search the website for Hispanic market information; and listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page, the website’s audio player or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.

The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book was a 2006 Choice Outstanding Academic Title, the first title in its category to be selected for the prestigious recognition. The book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence.  More information is available online at

Elena del Valle


Editors: JPG photos available