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Listen to podcast interview with Jay Gronlund, Latin Pulse USA, and Mario Quinones, Latin Pulse about emotional branding

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 23, 2007

Mario Quiñones 

Mario Quiñones, president, Latin Pulse

 Jay Gronlund

 Jay Gronlund, vice president and managing director, Latin Pulse USA

A podcast interview with Jay Gronlund, vice president and managing director, Latin Pulse USA, and Mario Quiñones, president, Latin Pulse is available on the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, they discuss emotional branding to Latinos with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast. 

Jay, a marketing professional with over 30 years of senior management experience in large multinationals and in international consulting, founded The Pathfinder Group in 1990. In September 2004, the company, which specializes in business development overseas for U.S. based clients, joined forces with Latin Pulse to expand its professional capabilities in the U.S. Hispanic market.

Before starting Pathfinder, Jay was vice president and director, Marketing, Newsweek, senior vice president, Marketing and New Business, Seagram, group manager at Church & Dwight, and brand manager, Richardson-Vicks. He has a bachelor of arts from Colby College and a master of business administration degree from Tuck at Dartmouth College. Jay has been teaching a Positioning and Brand Development course at New York University since 1999.

Mario is founder and responsible for the operations of Latin Pulse since July 2000. The company has operations in Mexico, Central America, South America and the U.S Hispanic market. Mario leads the development of AcuPOLL products for Cinema testing, Car Clinics, Packaging and Advertising testing. He is also responsible for the enhancement of a new human resources product utilizing the AcuPOLL methodology.

Prior to Latin Pulse, Mario spent most of his professional career working at Proctor & Gamble in the U.S., Kraft Foods, High Life and General Mills Toy Group where he held senior marketing and management positions and was responsible for operations in Mexico and Latin America. Mario is a graduate of Texas Christian University with majors in marketing and finance.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see the “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Jay Gronlund, Mario Quinones,” click on the play button below or download the file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the April 2007 section of the podcast archive.

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“Emotional Branding: How to capture the heart and mind of the Hispanic consumer” audio recording

Jay Gronlund Mario Quiñones

Presenters Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones

A presentation by Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones and discussion with Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones and host Elena del Valle about emotional branding to Latinos.

This product consists of 104 minutes of useful insights and information by leading Latino market experts.

Available for the first time exclusively on!

Emotional Branding” was recorded January 2007 during the Strategic Research Institute 13th Annual Blockbuster Marketing to U.S. Hispanic and Latin America conference in Miami, Florida.

Receive a free downloadable copy by completing our Visitor Survey.

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