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Listen to podcast interview with Daniel Eilemberg, editor, Hispanic magazine

Posted by Elena del Valle on December 4, 2006

Daniel Eilemberg

Daniel Eilemberg, editor, Hispanic magazine

Photo: Hispanic magazine

A podcast interview with Daniel Eilemberg, editor, Hispanic magazine, is available on the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses online marketing to Hispanics with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Daniel Eilemberg’s professional experience encompasses leading executive positions at prominent production and media companies. After finishing high school, Daniel started working for NTC News, one of Colombia’s leading TV production companies. At 16 he was named associate producer for NTC’s news division. Soon after, Daniel moved to London, England to pursue his B.A. in Film and Television Production at the University of Westminster. He also received a certificate in Media and Communication Studies from The London Institute.

After graduation, Daniel moved to Los Angeles, where he worked at Fountainbridge Films, the production company headed by Sean Connery. In 2002 Daniel began work in the creative department of famed studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. During his time there Daniel worked closely with MGM’s senior management team in the production of projects such as “Walking Tall,” “Be Cool,” “The Amityville Horror,” “The Pink Panther,” “Hotel Rwanda” and “Into the Blue.”

In 2005, Daniel relocated to Miami, Florida to lead the editorial team of LOFT Magazine, one of the country’s leading lifestyle publications aimed at affluent Hispanics in the U.S. Daniel was most recently named editor of Hispanic magazine, the country’s third largest English language magazine for the Hispanic community. Owned by Editorial Televisa, the magazine reaches over 300,000 households monthly. He also authors regular articles and columns in journals and magazines.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Daniel Eilemberg,” hit the play button or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. You can also subscribe to the podcast by right clicking over the podcast box and selecting “copy shortcut” then inserting the URL address in the podcast section of your iTunes program listed under the “advanced” column. The podcast will remain listed in the December 2006 section of the podcast. 

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Reach Hispanics online today with

“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording

Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

JoelBary Alex Carvallo Matias Perels

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel

To purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with a presentation on marketing to Hispanics online by Joel Bary and interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel visit the Resources Section