Friday, March 21, 2025

Hispanic themed grandparent dolls popular

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 29, 2006

      Hilda Argilagos-Jimenez, Carol Fenster and Laura Santamaria

Baby Abuelita Productions founders Hilda Argilagos-Jimenez, Carol Fenster and Laura Santamaria with the grandparent dolls

Photo: Baby Abuelita Productions

San Antonio, Texas –  Baby Abuelita dolls, produced by Baby Abuelita Productions, have been singing success with 35,000 dolls sold since May 2005. The Spanish-lullaby singing dolls made to resemble Hispanic grandparents and a baby come with Latin themed attire like guayaberas, batas de casa and eyeglasses. The grandparent dolls Abuelita Rosa and Abuelito Pancho sell for $29.99 and are available for purchase online and at major retailers. The baby doll, Baby Andrea, sells for $24.99 and may only be purchased on the company website.

The grandparent dolls are available for purchase at 126 Wal-Mart, 286 Target, and 94 Toys R Us stores. They are available at Navarros Pharmacy, Sentir Cubano, Lavins Baby Store, La Ideal Baby Store, and Baby Love in South Florida; The Learning Center in New Jersey, and Language Land in the United Kingdom also sell the dolls.

Abuelita Rosa sings: “Arroz con leche” (Rice Pudding), “Que linda manito que tiene el bebé” (What a Pretty Little Hand the Baby Has), “Esa niña linda” (This Beautiful Baby Girl), “Pon, pon, pon el dedito en el pilón” (Put, Put, Put, Your Little Finger on Your Palm), “Azótate la mocita” (Pat Your Head), and “Duérmete mi niña” (Go to Sleep, My Baby).

Abuelito Pancho sings: “Los pollitos dicen” (The Baby Chicks), “Aserrín, aserrán, los maderos de San Juan” (Aserrín, Aserrán the wood craftsmen from San Juan), “Tengo una vaca lechera” (I Have a Cow), and “Campanitas” (Bells). Baby Andrea sings: “El patio de mi casa,” “Tengo una muñeca,” “A la rueda rueda,” “Amambrocha,” and “Duermete mi niña.”

Baby Andrea

Baby Andrea

Company representatives believe Baby Abuelita Productions’ rapid growth and acceptance by consumers, is a result of the company’s interest in preserving Hispanic traditions among young children and a shared vision for creating a product that promotes appreciation and love for the Hispanic culture. The dolls are meant to promote positive attitudes about the traditions of Latinos through childhood songs.

“There is an extraordinary demand and an unmet need for products that authentically capture and reflect the culture and traditions of Hispanic-Americans particularly as it relates to music,” said Hilda Argilagos-Jimenez, co-founder and president of Baby Abuelita.

In 2005, three working mothers, a teacher, a lawyer and a psychotherapist, developed the Hispanic themed grandparent dolls concept and established Baby Abuelita, the Miami-based maker of the dolls. Additional information is available online at