Saturday, March 22, 2025

CBI Pharmaceutical Market to Explore Multicultural Segmentation

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 12, 2005


CBI’s Inaugural Forum on Pharmaceutical Market Segmentation June 27-28, 2005 Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia, PA

CBI’s Inaugural Forum is a must-attend event for pharmaceutical companies who are developing customized marketing campaigns targeted at specific patient populations.  This event focuses on strategic initiatives surrounding marketing segmentation that are critical to not only reaching specific target markets that often get overlooked, but developing customized messages that will resonate with them. 

This event is a first-in-class conference providing the only opportunity for product and brand managers, as well as those charged with marketing strategy and business development, to attend one event that addresses all their consumer marketing segmentation challenges.  This experience offers a full afternoon of plenary keynote sessions on day one, leading up to a second day packed with three comprehensive, concurrent tracks:

  • Demographic Segmentation 
  • Multicultural Segmentation 
  • Behavioral and Attitudinal Segmentation 

This format allows attendees to design their own agenda by moving between the tracks and choosing the sessions that best fit their learning and networking needs.

Topics for discussion include:

  • Women’s health marketing
  • Men’s health marketing
  • Marketing to the senior population
  • Understanding consumer attitudes and their impact on marketing
  • Developing a long-term ethnic marketing project
  • And many more

For more information or to register, contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at